Monday 22 July 2013

“I am participating in the ‘Writing Contest: You Are A Writer’ held by Positive Writer.” - See more at:

I think Neopets played quite the pivotal role in my own love for writing. It was there I first encountered the art of role playing - for those that don't know, essentially two or more people writing together for leisure with whatever topic is at hand. I spent a lot of time on that forum and Instant Messaging beyond, enjoying writing on the fly and having people to share it with. For many years beyond that I dipped into role play every now and then, had some fun. It made me enjoy writing from a young age, quite the contrast to some incredible dull writing at primary school. I scored top of the class at an essay in my first year of secondary school, achieving ahead of what was expected for one in my year. I seemed to have a knack for essay writing in school after this. But fiction was where my heart lies. Every now and then, I would have an idea, come up with an interesting tale, and be left without the tools to tell it. I was and still am an avid gamer and imagined how these mediums can be used for storytelling, but alas that was not going to help me at the time so I took to Microsoft word and keyboard. My handwriting is APPALLING, even now, so pen and paper would see no one else able to read anything... It's a good thing I was born in the 21st century or writing would have been impossible. I remember in my 2nd year of primary school they taught us joined up writing and mine was a mess. "It'll get better." It never did. Anyway I digress. I wrote a variety of stories... well started, Once I had a few chapters down I always seemed to forget. I was never good at sticking to things. Writing short page long encounters seemed to suit me better, not having to plan for the long term. I remember we had a school project to write a 1000 word short story, I had already written something in the genre so just handed that in, and it was well received. I never was fond of poetry, and again the same teacher made us enter a poetry competition. I did, and I believe every entry got published, regardless of content, so it was nice to have that. A fair while later I was told I was awarded best in the south and received a cash prize, which made me happy. Beyond that my writing is a bit of a blur for several years - I wrote several game reviews for fun and uploaded them to my own websites or blogs, which had no viewers but I enjoyed the practice. But this is all just a prelude. Times that stuck in my mind. The question lies in - when did I know? Well I finished sixth form and had (indeed, currently have, it is where I am now) time to think. it was time to decide what I wanted in my future. I had always had an interest in writing, so it was an idea. I decided a vague aim - I wanted to use my writing to contribute to the world. Very vague, but more of a goal then I have ever had. I still stand by a similar motto, I hope to get there one day. But the very moment? I only read the odd book series every year or so, but once I found one I quickly eat it all up. A Song of Ice and Fire was my latest craving thanks to the TV show. I loved it, read the books very fast, and decided I like the style and setting. And was inspirited to start writing something similar myself. After a few nights of thinking on a plot and whatnot, I sat down and started to write. 5000 words later, all in one sitting, I had my first chapter. I had never wrote so much at once, so I was impressed. But I loved doing it. Finding the ways to best get across my meaning, creating characters, all the like - but I loved writing. I knew at least to some extent I want to do this. I have thought more on this book and thought of where I want to go. Who knows if it will ever amount to anything - I am quick to forget - but it leaves me at least knowing this - I am a writer.

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